Ministry Committees
Ministry committees are a part of the church’s backbone, allowing members to work together in faith by supporting the church’s mission and vision.
Ministry committees are a great way to help others and the church in support and worship. They are also a very effective way to be assisting in fulfilling the mission and vision of LCUMC.
To join, please contact the church office (231-256-9161). We would love to have you become a part of our mission.
The Hospitality Team is a vital part of our church. We strive to create a warm and welcoming environment for our families following our Worship services during our Friendship Coffee hour in the Fellowship Hall. The team is made up of volunteers who also provide receptions for families following funerals and memorial services.
Members of our team often are working behind the scenes at LCUMC. The Hospitality Team hosts our annual Teacher Appreciation Luncheon for Leland Public School and the Leelanau Children’s Center. Connie Nelson is the person to contact via the church office if you would like to volunteer or provide refreshments to the congregation.
Congregational Care
“Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God’s grace in its various forms.” (1 Peter 4:10)
Congregational Care is a group that works closely with the church staff to make a connection with those who may need expressions of support. This includes people facing or recovering from surgery or illness, the homebound, the grieving, or those experiencing other difficulties.
The committee maintains contact through:
- Sending notes, cards, and phone connections.
- Visiting members in nursing homes.
- Working with the Hospitality Committee to establish meal trains and getting the word out when members are in need.
The committee meets once a month and always has coffee and a bite of something wonderful to sustain us. Contact Betty Leanderson through the church office (231-256-9161).
Music Ministry
Margaret Bell leads our Music Ministry. Margaret is inspired to share her love of music by leading the Sanctuary Choir and planning special music to enhance worship.
- Learn more about our Music Ministry here.
Led by the Director of Music, the Worship Team assists with prayer, planning, vision, and hands-on help in worship.