Adult Bible Study
At the Leland Community United Methodist Church, we strive to offer different ways to engage the Bible on a deeper level.

Sandbox Sinners is a bible conversation group where we study God’s word and at times we agree to disagree. Join us on Tuesday mornings, 9am-10 am in the church fellowship hall. All are welcome to join us!
After our bible study, whoever can stay, heads into the kitchen and we prepare food for 5Loaves2Fish!
What a “Joy” it is to serve and share our blessings.
Contact Sherry Wolin 231/256-9161 for more information or

The group meets Thursday evenings at 7:00 pm. The Zoom meeting involves the group studying and discussing various Christian educators through study books or videos. Each session includes a time for sharing joys /concerns and prayer. If you would like to be part of this group, please contact Jim Bardenhagen at 231/218-3199, Kim Speicher at 765/524-5657, or the Church Office.