About Leland Community United Methodist Church

A Word of Welcome from Pastor Tim

Welcome to Leland Community United Methodist Church! We are delighted that you are “checking out” our website! I’m Tim Woycik, the pastor of Leland Community UMC. My wife, Chris, and I came here to Leland in July 2021, and we have discovered that this church has so much to offer to anyone seeking a new church home! When you come to visit us, I think you will feel “at home” very quickly. The folks here are a very welcoming group of people. You’ll want to stay after worship for a cup of coffee and enjoy getting to know new friends. If music is your thing, you will enjoy the efforts of our pianists and our choir. If you love to sing, you might want to join our choir for rehearsals on Wednesday evenings. Our Sunday School is small, but we do have classes for children on the elementary, middle school, and high school levels. There is an adult class that meets on Tuesday evenings by Zoom. Perhaps you enjoy making a difference in this world through mission outreach. Our food ministry here at LCUMC is called 5 Loaves, 2 Fish. They specialize in feeding the homeless of the area. On Mondays in the late afternoon, you can help serve the homeless in Traverse City at Vet’s Park beginning at 5 p.m. In the winter months, this ministry also takes place at Safe Harbor Shelter in Traverse City.

          All of us are seeking growth in our faith, learning more about what the Bible teaches, and discovering our purpose in life. We are all on a journey through life and being in worship with fellow travelers, praying together, studying together, and serving together is what makes that journey worthwhile. Please consider joining us for the journey. We will look forward to meeting you!


Pastor Tim

Statement from Church Council Regarding Healthy Congregation

The purpose of LCUMC is to make disciples for Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world. After prayerfully considering all thoughts shared at the listening session and the recommendation from the Healthy Congregation team, the Church Council offers the following statement to the congregation:

• Members of LCUMC shall follow the vision and mission statements of our church in all decisions.

Vision Statement: LCUMC is a beacon of Christ’s unconditional love; providing refuge, ministry and service to each other, our community, and the world.

Mission Statement: The Leland Community United Methodist Church is a community of people who love God, grow in faith, share the good news of the gospel of Jesus Christ and serve the community and world in his love.

• We will remain a United Methodist Church.

• We desire the full inclusion of the LGBTQ+ community, which includes support for the removal of discriminatory language in the Book of Discipline.

• We hope to strengthen our outreach to the underserved, the young, the old, those experiencing housing and/or food insecurity, and those experiencing the aftereffects of natural disasters.

• Communication with the congregation should be strengthened by sharing news and information via USPS, online posts, and from the pulpit.

• The business of the church should be conducted in an open and transparent manner.

In all things may God be glorified.

Our Church Vision

The Leland Community United Methodist Church is a beacon of Christ’s unconditional love, providing refuge, ministry, and service to each other, our community and the world.

Our Mission

Leland Community United Methodist Church is a community of people who love God, grow in faith, share the good news of the gospel of Jesus Christ and serve the community and world in God’s love.

The Leland Community United Methodist Church (LCUMC) serves the greater Leelanau Peninsula community with continuous worship since 1898. The beautiful, historic sanctuary and facilities are structured to accommodate our Vision and Mission statements.

The site hosts a separately managed Leelanau Children’s Center. The Children’s Center began as a mission of this church.

Leland Community United Methodist Church has a 125 year history of vital worship, mission outreach, community service, and an outstanding music ministry.  Our congregation values the opportunity to share fellowship with visitors and newcomers. We have a focus on nurturing and caring, offering support for our community members in need and for each other.